The Developmental Neuropsychology aims to introduce students to the theoretical and practical foundations of developmental neuropsychology. Developmental neuropsychology is a branch of clinical psychology that investigates the relationship between cognitive, emotional, behavioural aspects and their neural bases throughout development. The course will highlight the specificities of the developmental approach with respect to the study of neuropsychology in adults and will provide the theoretical and practical bases for diagnostic reasoning and planning of personalised support intervention. The course will be also specifically focused on the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of Specific Learning Disorders.
- Introduction to neuropsychological and testing evaluation, with particular reference to Specific Learning Disorders. Specificity of the developmental perspective: peculiarities and differences with other similar disciplines.
- Primary language impairment: atypical trajectories, diagnosis and treatment indications in the different stages of development.
- Reading disorders I: neuropsychological models, clinical characteristics and assessment tools.
- Reading disorders II: support intervention planning.
- Writing disorders: classification and treatment of the orthographic and motor component.
- Calculation and problem solving disorders.
- Evaluation of executive functions, attention and memory skills.
- Evaluation of motor skills and visuospatial skills.
- Usefulness of neuropsychological assessment in Neurodevelopmental Conditions (ADHD, autism).
The exam is written and includes open-ended questions. Students may ask to attend an optional oral test to improve the final grade.
- Selected chapters from “I disturbi dello sviluppo. Neuropsicologia clinica e ipotesi riabilitative” (a cura di) S. Vicari e M.C. Caselli.
- Slides of the lessons that will be provided during the course.