The course aims to stimulate the acquisition of basic knowledge regarding the anatomical-functional organization and biology of the nervous system, a fundamental and essential requirement for a scientific approach to psychology.
- Principles of genetics and cellular biology
- Neurons and glial cells
- The resting neuron membrane
- The action potential
- Synaptic transmission
- Neurotransmitter systems
- Structure of the nervous system
- Sensory systems
- Motor system
The assessment will consist of a written exam (multiple-choice questions) and an optional oral exam.
Required Text
- Bear M. F., Connors B. W., Paradiso M. A. (quarta edizione, 2016). Neuroscienze. Esplorando il cervello. Milano: Masson.
Supplementary Text
- Matelli, M., Umiltà, C. (2007). Il cervello. Masson, Milano.