Lectures (LE)
- Understanding psychopathological models of emotional suffering as dysfunctional management of basic needs.
- Understanding the therapeutic rationale of the major psychotherapeutic paradigms.
- Understanding the historical evolution of paradigms.
Description of the theoretical foundations and historical development of psychodynamic, cognitive, and humanistic paradigms in psychotherapy as theories of emotional suffering and effective therapeutic procedures. The theoretical and clinical differences between the various psychopathological models are framed within a common theoretical understanding of emotional suffering as dysfunctional management of individual needs, and therapy as a method of learning functional management of these needs.
The evaluation will consist of an oral exam: (i) topic of choice, (ii) one question from the professor, and (iii) an optional third question requested by the student.
- Foschi, R., Innamorati M. (2020). Storia critica della psicoterapia. Milano, Italia: Cortina. https://www.raffaellocortina.it/scheda-libro/renato-foschi-marco-innamorati/storia-critica-della-psicoterapia-9788832851434-3112.html
- Ruggiero, G. M. (2021). La Parola, il Corpo e la Macchina nella letteratura psicoterapeutica. Teorie della sofferenza emotiva e razionali di trattamento nei paradigmi di psicoterapia. Roma: Alpes. https://www.alpesitalia.it/prodotti-894-la_parola_il_corpo_e_la_macchina_nella_letteratura_psicoterapeutica
- Ruggiero, G. M. (2021). La mistica, la psicoterapia e la letteratura. nei sentieri del corpo e della mente. Roma: Alpes.https://www.alpesitalia.it/prodotti-895-la_mistica_la_psicoterapia_e_la_letteratura