Integrated Course (IC)
The course has the following educational objectives:
- To familiarize with the most important theoretical perspectives on personality and on the conception of the person;
- Be able to integrate theory and clinical research contributions, where the latter contribute to the modification and evaluation of personality theories;
- Be able to connect the different personality assessment tools to the theoretical framework of reference, as well as understand their applications and limitations;
- Be able to link the different theoretical frameworks on personality psychology to other areas of study.
- Introduction to personality theories.
- Personality assessment and personality research.
- Personality in psychoanalysis.
- Projective tests.
- Object relations theory and attachment theory.
- Rogers’ theory of personality.
- The theories of personality traits.
- The five-factor model.
- Biology, temperament and personality development.
- Evolutionary psychology.
- Personality in behaviorism.
- The theory of personal constructs.
- The social-cognitive theory.
The evaluation consists in a preliminary written test followed by an oral examination.
Recommended book:
Cervone D., Pervin L.A (2017). La scienza della personalità: teorie, ricerche, applicazioni. Raffaello Cortina Editore.
Suggested reading (optional):
Panksepp J., Davis K.L. (2020). I fondamenti emotivi della personalità: un approccio neurobiologico ed evoluzionistico. Raffaello Cortina Editore.