Mauro Leoni

Psicologo, Psicoterapeuta, Analista del comportamento, PhD in Psicologia della educazione e delle disabilità, Dirigente sanitario presso Fondazione Istituto Ospedaliero di Sospiro Onlus, Docente del Corso di Laurea magistrale presso SFU Milano

Psychologist, psychotherapist and behaviour analyst (ABA-ITALIA), PhD, healthcare manager at Fondazione Sospiro, contract professor at Sigmund Freud University, deals with training and consultancy for services dedicated to people with neurodevelopmental disorders.

First president of SIACSA, member of the board of directors of AMICO-DI, ACBS, ABAI and of the board of directors of SIDiN.

Interessi di ricerca

Neurodevelopmental disorders


Intellectual disabilities



Daily and residential services

Psychopathologies in NDD


Third generation therapies


Mauro Leoni – Google Scholar