


Legal Framework Conditions of Psychological Occupation

Aims and Programme

The profession of the psychologist, since the issuance of the Professional Organization Law No. 56 of 1989, has changed significantly, in step with social changes and scientific and technological development, and its areas of study and application are much more varied than in the past. The complexity in which we are immersed as a professional category requires increasingly specific skills not only related to theory and technique, but also to ethical awareness. The course aims to offer psychology students an overview of the main ethical issues addressed starting from the experiences of those who face professional contexts of a public or private nature on a daily basis, in which the call for professional responsibility is constant.


Oral examination


  • Calvi,E.Presutti,M. Zara,G. Lo psicologo tra l’essere e il fare. Problemi di deontologia applicata alla professione psicologica. Ed.Publiedit
  • Zara,G. Presutti,M. Calvi,E. Deontologia psicologica in ambito psicocriminologico,forense e della ricerca. Ed.Publiedit,2016
  • Autori vari. Etica,competenza ,buone prassi. Lo psicologo nella società di oggi. Ed.Raffaello Cortina 2013