


Media theory and design

Aims and Programme

Since the beginning, media studies have tried to focus on the ways in which artefacts and technologies can influence people’s lives, not only on a communicative level, but also in having experiences.

The media perform a mediating function and for this reason they are able to modify our way of perceiving reality. The psychological and social effects of this influence are multiple and their study is essential to analyze the social processes that characterize contemporary society.

The course aims at presenting and analyzing the psychological and social implications connected  to the presence and use of media in our society.

The main topics of the course will be:

  • Mass media: from a theoretical definition to some practical examples, such as advertising and political communication;
  • From media to new media: how technology influences our way of communicating and coming into contact with reality;
  • Games and simulations: how the human mind works when we use these media to learn;
  • The media for psychologists: uses for the clinical profession.


Written test



  • Anolli, L. & Mantovani, F. (2011). Come funziona la nostra mente. Apprendimento, simulazione e serious games. Il Mulino. (Capitoli dall’1 al 5)
  • Codeluppi, V. (2014). I media siamo noi. Franco Angeli.

Più uno a scelta tra:

  • McLuhan, M. (2008). Gli strumenti del comunicare. Il Saggiatore. (Capitoli dall’8 al 33)
  • Riva, G. (2008). Psicologia dei nuovi media. Il Mulino. (Capitoli dall’1 al 7)


  • Anolli, L. & Mantovani, F. (2011). Come funziona la nostra mente. Apprendimento, simulazione e serious games. Il Mulino.
  • Codeluppi, V. (2014). I media siamo noi. Franco Angeli.
  • McLuhan, M. (2008). Gli strumenti del comunicare. Il Saggiatore.
  • Riva, G. (2008). Psicologia dei nuovi media. Il Mulino.