


Dynamics Psychology II

Aims and Programme

During the course, numerous concepts of dynamic psychology will be explored, analysing in particular their evolution over the years up to the present day. 

The main themes of the course will be: the unconscious, the dream, the setting, transference and counter-transference, the therapeutic alliance, sexuality, change in psychotherapy and psychopathology. 

During the lectures, clinical vignettes will be presented to better explain the different concepts. In addition, the last part of the course will focus on the presentation of some current short and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy techniques, such as: Mentalisation-Based Therapy (MBT)

and Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP). Students will have to do a group dissertation (4-5 people per group) on one of the texts given by the lecturer, this work is an integral part of the course and examination.


The examination is oral and the grade will be averaged with the grade on the paper and the evaluation of the student’s class participation.


Required books:

  • Psicologia Dinamica. Amadei, Cavanna e Zavattini (2015). Il Mulino Editore. Capitoli: 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17.
  • Psicoterapia Dinamica. Teoria, clinica, ricerca. Colli (2016). Carocci Editore. Capitoli: 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  • BOOK FOR ORAL EXAMINATION: La clinica psicoanalitica oggi. A cura di Antonino Ferro (2018). Carocci Editore.

 The slides and material distributed in the course.

Optional book for in-depth theory:

  • Psicoanalisi oggi. Antonino Ferro (2013). Roma: Carocci Editore

Books for the dissertation, (choose one):

  • Vitalità e gioco in psicoanalisi. Antonino Ferro (2020). Raffaello Cortina Editore.
  • Cyber generation. Sfide evolutive per chi cresce online. Riflessioni per genitori, insegnanti e operatori. Pellai & Papuzza (2019). Franco Angeli Editore.
  • Dottor Kernberg, a cosa serve la psicoterapia? Riflessioni e ricordi di un grande clinico. Kernberg e Lutz (2021). Raffaello Cortina.
  • La terapia psicodinamica è efficace? Il dibattito e le evidenze empiriche. Migone (2020). Franco Angeli Editore
  • L’ascolto psicoanalitico in emergenza. A cura di Niccolò (2021). Franco Angeli Editore
  • Tre caratteri. Narcisista, borderline, maniaco-depressivo. Bollas (2022). Raffaello Cortina Editore.