Niccolò Delfino

Trainer, work and organizational psychologist, cognitive behavioral psychotherapist, director of the accredited training organization Goa Consulting, co-teacher in the specialization school of Psicoterapia e Scienze Cognitive in Genoa.

After a first master’s degree in Educational Science, “Expert in training processes”, I started working as a training specialist for some training companies, accredited in Regione Liguria. In 2014 I founded the consultancy and training company Goa Consulting, accredited by the Regione Liguria, which I still manage today. Shortly afterwards I graduated in work and organizational psychology and subsequently specialized in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy at Psicoterapia e Scienze Cognitive in Genova where I have been carrying out co-teaching activities ever since. In the academic field I provide some experiential soft skills workshops for the University of Genoa and that of Trento. Today, in addition to managing Goa Consulting and teaching, I am a consultant for personnel selection and work as a psychotherapist in private practice.