Gianni Brighetti

Professore associato di Psicologia generale, Docente del Corso di Laurea triennale e magistrale presso SFU Milano

Docente di Psicologia Generale presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università di Bologna dal 1980 al 2017.

Docente del Corso di Laurea triennale e del Corso di Laurea magistrale presso SFU Milano.

Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicologia della Salute dell’Università di Bologna dal 1997 al 2007.

Interessi di ricerca

Effetti di realismo nel Metaverso

Influenza dell’orientamento visivo (movimenti oculari e scanpath visivo) su stimoli emotigeni in soggetti con disturbo mentale

Analisi della relazione fra attività cognitive e funzionalità autonomica (conduttanza cutanea, variabilità cardiaca interbattito)

Pubblicazioni rilevanti 


Borlimi, R., Riboli, G., Nese, M., Buattini, M., Colombardo, M., & Brighetti, G. (2022). Mind-Body Interactions Across the Menstrual Cycle Phases: A Systematic Review. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine7(2), 1-1.

Riboli G., Nese, M., Brighetti, G., Caselli, G., & Borlimi, R. (2022) How Menstruation is Experienced Today. An Online Survey on Italian Female at Birth Adolescents. EC Gyneacology, 11.2

Riboli G., Nese, M., Brighetti, G., & Borlimi, R. (2022) Multidimensional Interoceptive Awareness, Psychosomatic Symptoms, and Risk for Eating Disorders in a Female Adolescent Sample. Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science (CRPBS)

Riboli, G., Nese, M., Brighetti, G., Caselli, G., Sassaroli, S., & Borlimi, R. (2022). Network Analysis of the psychological distress in non-binary young adults: Implications for Counselors. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 16(2), 110-129.

Nese, M., Riboli, G., Brighetti, G., Visciano, R., Giunti, D., & Borlimi, R. (2021). Sexual Fantasies across Gender and Sexual Orientation in Young Adults: A Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Sexes, 2(4), 523-533.

Nese, M., Riboli, G., Brighetti, G., Sassi, V., Camela, E., Caselli, G., Sassaroli, S., & Borlimi, R. (2020). Delay discounting of compliance with containment measures during the COVID-19 outbreak: a survey of the Italian population. Journal of public health (Berl.), 1–9. doi: 10.1007/s10389

Borlimi, R., Benetka, G., Brighetti, G., Caselli, G., Caletti, E., Redaelli, C., Ruggiero, G.M., Sarracino, D., Sassaroli, S. (2019), An Investigation of Sequencing Effects in Combining Cognitive Questioning and Mindful Acceptance, Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 37(3), 284-298,doi:10.1007/s10942-018-0312-8

Zavagli, V., Miglietta, E., Varani, S., Pannuti, R., Brighetti, G., Pannuti, F. (2016), Associations between caregiving worries and psychophysical well-being. An investigation on home-cared cancer patients family caregivers (2015) Supportive Care in Cancer24(2), 857-863.

Lucarelli, C., Uberti, P., Brighetti, G. (2015) Misclassifications in financial risk tolerance, Journal of Risk Research, 18 (4), pp. 467-482.

Lucarelli, C., Uberti, P., Brighetti, G., Maggi, M. (2015), Risky choices and emotion-based learning, Journal of Economic Psychology, 49, pp. 59-73.

Lucarelli, C., Uberti, P., Brighetti, G. (2015) Misclassifications in financial risk tolerance,  Journal of Risk Research, 18 (4), pp. 467-482.

Ottaviani, C., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G., Caselli, G., Favaretto, E., Giardini, I., Marzocchi, C., Nucifora, V., Rebecchi, D., Ruggiero, G.M., Sassaroli, S. (2014). Worry as an adaptive avoidance strategy in healthy controls but not in pathological worriers. International Journal of Psychophysiology,93(3):349-55. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.05.010. Epub 2014 May 27.

Neri, L., Adorante, G., Brighetti, G., Franciosi, E. (2013)Postural rehabilitation through Kinect-based biofeedback International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, ICVR 2013, art. no. 6662110, pp. 218-219.

Zavagli V., Varani S., Samilsky-Dekel A.R., Brighetti G., Pannuti F. (2012). Worry as a risk factor for mental and somatic diseases. A research on home-cared cancer patients family caregivers. Giornale Italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia, vol. 34 n°2, p. 17-22, ISSN: 1592-7830

Ottaviani, C., Nucifora, V., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G. (2012). Decision making patologico in soggetti con disregolazione emotiva (pp. 191-215).  In R. Di Schiena & G. Belelli (a cura di), Decisioni ed emozioni. Come la psicologia spiega il conflitto tra ragione e sentimento. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Ottaviani, C., Cevolani, D., Nucifora, V., Borlimi, R., Agati, R., Leonardi, M., De Plato, G., Brighetti, G. (2012).  Amygdala responses to masked and low spatial frequency fearful faces: a preliminary fMRI study in panic disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, ;203(2-3):159-65. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2011.12.010. Epub 2012 Sep 1.

Ruggiero, G.M., Sarracino, D., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G., & Sassaroli, S. (2012). Efficacia sperimentale di interventi terapeutici sulla percezione di stress in una popolazione non clinica. Intervento presentato a: Congresso Nazionale SPR Italia, Salerno.

Ottaviani, C., Nucifora, V., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G. (2009). Autonomic dysregulation in Panic Disorder: Assessment and cognitive-behavioural treatment. Psychology and Health, 24 (suppl. 1), S. 298.

Ottaviani, C., Borlimi R., Nucifora, V., Brighetti, G., (2009). Affective reactions in financial decision-making: the case of professional traders. Psycophysiology, 46 (supll.1), S. 115.

Ottaviani, C., Nucifora, V., Borlimi R., Brighetti, G., Cevolani, D., Agati, R., Leonardi, M. (2009). When hyper becomes hypo: panic disorder and amygdala activation to masked stimuli. 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Psychophysiology, 46 (suppl. 1), S. 63.

Ottaviani C., Sgarbossa M., Brighetti G. (2009). Consequences of ruminative thoughts on cardiovascular health. Pychology & Health, vol. 23, p. 1-2, ISSN: 0887-0446

Ottaviani, C., Nucifora, V., Borlimi, R., Cabrini, C., Brighetti, G. (2008). Pharmacological and psychological adjustments to drug withdrawal: The Self Medication Hypothesis. 22nd conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Psychology and Health, 23 (suppl. 1), S. 198.

Ottaviani, C., Maccaferri, E., Tugnoli, E., Nucifora, V., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G. (2008). Impulsivity, affective and psychophysiological dysregulation as predictors of self-harm behavior in personality disorders. 22nd conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Psychology and Health, 23 (suppl. 1), S. 199.

Ottaviani, C., Cevolani, D., Agati, R., Leonardi, M., Nucifora, V., Brighetti, G. (2008). Amygdala activation to fearful faces: effects of stimulus duration vs. low spatial frequencies filtering. 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Psychophysiology, 45 (suppl. 1), S. 69.

Ottaviani, C., Marzocchi C., Cabrini, S., Brighetti, G. (2008). Psychopathy and addiction: the role of risky decision-making, atypical vagal regulation, and impaired emotion recognition. 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Psychophysiology, 45 (suppl. 1), S. 71.

Ottaviani, C., Sgarbossa, M., Brighetti, G. (2008). Consequences of ruminative thoughts on cardiovascular health. 22nd conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Psychology and Health, 23 (suppl. 1), S. 199.

Avanzi M, Baratti M, Cabrini S, Uber E, Brighetti, G., Bonfa F. (2007). The thrill of reckless driving in patients with Parkinson’s disease: An additional behavioural phenomenon in dopamine dysregulation syndrome? Parkinsonism Related Disorders, 8, 45-56.

Brighetti, G., Bonifacci, P., Borlimi, R., Ottaviani, C. (2007) “Far from the heart far from the eye”: evidence from the Capgras delusion. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 12 (3): 189-197

Ottaviani, C., Borlimi, R., Cabrini, S., Nucifora, V., Brighetti, G. (2007). Psychological and pharmacological issue during drug-addiction withdrawal. The 2nd European Federation of NeuroPsychiatry Meeting “The Neuropsychiatry of the Emotional Brain”.

Bonifacci, P., Borlimi, R., Ottaviani, C., Brighetti, G., Cabrini, S., Nucifora, V.  (2005). Far from the eye far from the heart: the Capgras Delusion. 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Psychophysiology, 42 (suppl. 1), S.38.

Cabrini, S., Nucifora, V., Ottaviani, C., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G., (2005). The Gambling Heart: Risk anticipation in psychiatric subjects, 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Psychophysiology, 42 (suppl. 1), S.38.

Fabbri, M., Martoni, M., Esposito, M.J., Brighetti, G.., Natale, V. (2006). Postural control after a night without sleep. Neuropsychologia, 44(12), 2520-2525.

Avanzi, M., Baratti, M., Cabrini, S., Uber, E., Brighetti, G., Bonfa, F. (2006). Prevalence of pathological gambling in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorder, 21(12), 2068-2072.

Nicoletti, R., Porro, C.A., Brighetti, G., Monti, D., Pagnoni, G., Guido, M., Rubichi, S., Franceschi, C. (2004). Long-term effects of vaccination on attentional performance. Vaccine, 28, 3877-3881.

Capitoli di volume

Nese, M., Riboli, G., Sassi, V., Brighetti, G., & Borlimi, R. (in press). Temporal discounting, uncertainty, and COVID-19. In M. K. Miller (Ed.), The social science of the COVID-19 pandemic: A call to action for researchers (pp.). Oxford University Press.

Brighetti, G., & Giusberti, F. (2021). Una volta non si chiamavano processi cognitivi. Ricerche Di Psicologia – Open Access, (2), pp.117-127.

Riboli, G., Nese, M., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G. (2021). Layout of the empirical analysis: Multisensory Virtual Reality. In C. Mazzoli (Ed.), The behavioral perspective in the climate change issue: Environmental virtual reality to engage investors and entrepreneurs in the circular thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Riboli, G., Borlimi, R., Nese, M., Brighetti, G. (2021). The psychological perspective on the climate change issue. Multisensory immersive experience. In C. Mazzoli (Ed.), The behavioral perspective in the climate change issue: Environmental virtual reality to engage investors and entrepreneurs in the circular thinking.Lambert Academic Publishing.

Nese, M., Riboli, G., Borlimi, R., Brighetti, G. (2020). The psychological perspective on the climate change issue: Psychophysiological response. In C. Mazzoli (Ed.), The behavioral perspective in the climate change issue: Environmental virtual reality to engage investors and entrepreneurs in the circular thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Borlimi, R., Nese, M., Riboli, G., Brighetti, G. (2020). The psychological perspective on the climate change issue: Implicit VS explicit attitudes. In C. Mazzoli (Ed.), The behavioral perspective in the climate change issue: Environmental virtual reality to engage investors and entrepreneurs in the circular thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Nese, M., Borlimi, R., Riboli, G., Brighetti, G. (2020). Layout of the empirical analysis: Psychophysiology. In C. Mazzoli (Ed.), The behavioral perspective in the climate change issue: Environmental virtual reality to engage investors and entrepreneurs in the circular thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Borlimi, R., Riboli, G., Nese, M., Brighetti, G. (2020). Layout of the empirical analysis: Implicit Association Test. In C. Mazzoli (Ed.), The behavioral perspective in the climate change issue: Environmental virtual reality to engage investors and entrepreneurs in the circular thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Brighetti G., Lucarelli C. (2011). Risk Tolerance in the financial decision making. p. 1-269, London: Palgrave Mc Millan, ISBN: 9781403948724

Brighetti, G., Ottaviani, C., Nucifora, V., Borlimi, R. (2010). Decision making: psychological perspective (pp. 133-152). In C. Lucarelli & G. Brighetti (Eds.), Risk tolerance in financial decision making. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.