Laura Caligari, MSc
Anna Eleonora La Ferla, MSc
Research area and primary aims:
The Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis (AIDA) Lab. aims to provide a service for data analysis and integration of artificial intelligence techniques for research projects of the Milan branch of Sigmund Freud University. The experience of the collaborators in different fields of data analysis can provide a point of reference for internal theses and research projects as well as for external entities wishing to rely on SFU Milan.
External Cooperations:
- Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Service (UONPIA), Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy
- Intellectual Disabilities Department, Fondazione Istituto Ospedaliero di Sospiro – Onlus
Giovanni Michelini
phone: +39 02 83241854