Federica Cavazzoni si è laureata con lode in Psicologia Clinica presso l’Università di Padova. Ha maturato una vasta esperienza attraverso tirocini e progetti nel campo della salute mentale, diritti umani e della violenza legata a conflitti e contesti di guerra, sia in Italia che all’estero. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca presso l’Università di Milano-Bicocca, con un progetto incentrato sull’impatto della violenza politica e coloniale sui bambini e sulle loro strategie di sopravvivenza, resilienza e agency. Durante il dottorato, è stata visiting scholar presso la Birzeit University e l’An Najah University in Palestina, dove ha condotto ricerche sul campo in contesti di conflitto, e presso la Columbia University di New York. Successivamente, ha proseguito il suo percorso come assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università di Milano-Bicocca, ampliando il suo lavoro sulle dinamiche di oppressione e resistenza da una prospettiva intersezionale.
Le sue ricerche includono anche studi di genere e femminismo, con un focus sull’impatto della violenza politica sulle donne in contesti di guerra e occupazione coloniale. Attualmente si dedica anche all’analisi del benessere e malessere nei contesti accademici, con particolare attenzione alle dinamiche di genere e alle intersezioni di oppressione che caratterizzano il mondo accademico italiano.
Interessi di ricerca
- Impatto della violenza politica e coloniale
- Strategie di sopravvivenza, resilienza e agency in contesti di conflitto
- Oppressione da una prospettiva intersezionale
- Aspetti di benessere e malessere all’interno dei contesti accademica
- Impatto delle disuguaglianze di genere nelle istituzioni accademiche.
- Cavazzoni, F., & Veronese G. (2017). Theater of resistance. Il teatro come forma di resistenza in bambini e adolescenti in Palestina. Educazione Interculturale, 15(2), http://doi.org/10.14605/EI1521703.
- Cavazzoni, F., Siracusa, V., Castagner, V., Balibrea, Y., Manduri, D. (2017). “Arrivals”: Narrating Migration through Images. The Use of Images in Post-Traumatic Therapy. Proceedings, 1(9), http://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings1090882
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Antenucci, S. (2018). Narrating hope and resistance: A critical analysis of sources of agency among Palestinian children living under military violence. Child Care Health and Development, 44(6), 863-870. http://doi.org/10.1111/cch.12608.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Russo, S., Sousa, C. (2019). Risk and Protective Factors Among Palestinian Women Living in a Context of Prolonged Armed Conflict and Political Oppression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-14, http://doi.org/10.1177/0886260519865960.
- Veronese, G., Pepe, A., Cavazzoni, F., Obaid, H., & Perez, J. (2019). Agency via Life Satisfaction as a Protective Factor from Cumulative Trauma and Emotional Distress among Bedouin Children in Palestine. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY.https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01674.
- Veronese, G., Pepe, A., Obaid, H., Cavazzoni, F., & Perez, J. (2020). Agency and life satisfaction in Bedouin children exposed to conditions of chronic stress and military violence: A two-wave longitudinal study in Palestine. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 25(1), 242-259.
- Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., & Veronese, G. (2020). Alternative Ways of Capturing the Legacies of Traumatic Events: A Literature Review of Agency of Children Living in Countries Affected by Political Violence and Armed Conflicts. Trauma, Violence and Abuse, 1-12.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Cavalera, C., et al., (2020). Rapid Response to Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic. BMJ.
- Veronese, G., & Cavazzoni, F. (2020). “I Hope I Will Be Able to Go Back to My Home City”: Narratives of Suffering and Survival of Children in Palestine. Psychological Studies, 65(1), 51-63.
- Veronese, G., Sousa, C., Cavazzoni, F., & Shoman, H. (2020). Spatial agency as a source of resistance and resilience among Palestinian children living in Dheisheh refugee camp, Palestine. Health & Place, 62.
- Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., Veronese, G. (2021). Well-being and Life Satisfaction in Children living in contexts of political violence: a narrative literature review. Child and Youth Care Forum, 52(1), 1-24.
- Veronese, G., Pepe, A., Cavazzoni, F., Obaid, H., Yaghi, S. (2021). Measuring agency in children: The development and validation of the War Child Agency Assessment Scale – Palestinian version (WCAAS-Pal). Current Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02449-1.
- Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., Sousa, C., & Veronese, G. (2021). Agency operating within structures: a qualitative exploration of agency amongst children living in Palestine. Childhood, 28(3),363-379.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Jaradah, A., Yaghi, S., Obaid, H., & Kittaneh, H. (2021). Palestinian children living amidst political and military violence deploy active protection strategies against psychological trauma: how agency can mitigate traumatic stress via life satisfaction. Journal of child health care, 1-14.
- Veronese, G., Sousa, C., & Cavazzoni, F. (2021). Survival and Resilience Among Palestinian Women: A Qualitative Analysis Using Individual and Collective Life Events Calendars. Violence Against Women, 27(6-7), 900-917.
- Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., & Veronese, G. (2021). When agency turns into a risk factor: a literature review of the negative consequences of children’s agentic behaviors on their physical and psychological well-being. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 24(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/15248380211048450
- Cavazzoni, F., Kittaneh, H., Veronese, G. (2021). Spatial agency among children living in the Dheisheh refugee camp in the West Bank: a qualitative investigation of space and place as risk and protection factors from political and military violence. The Lancet, 398. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01507-5.
- Pepe, A., Cavazzoni, F., Addimando, L., Jaradah, A., Obaid, H., & Veronese, G. (2021). Wellbeing, symptoms of trauma, and personal resources in Palestinian professional helpers: a cross-sectional quantitative survey. The Lancet, 398, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01530-0.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Fiore, F., Pancake, R. (2021). Fear of COVID-19 mediates the relation between mental distress and at-risk health behaviours in Italian adults. MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 9(3), 1-19, http://doi.org/10.13129/2282-1619/mjcp-3145.
- Cavazzoni, F., Ghafri, E., Obaid, H., Veronese, G., Fiorini, A., & Jaradah, A. (2022). The protective role of children’s agency: towards critical understanding of agency amongst children living in the context of armed conflict and political violence. The Lancet, 399, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01136-9
- Veronese, G., Pepe, A., Cavazzoni, F., Kittaneh, H., Obaid, H., Mohamed, M. A. O., & Viejo, J. M. P. (2022). Agency and life satisfaction in Bedouin children in occupied Palestinian territory: a cross-lagged longitudinal study. The Lancet, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01157-6.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Russo, S., Ayoub, H. (2022). Structural violence and sources of resistance among Palestinian children living under military occupation and political oppression. Journal of International and intercultural communication, 15(4), 391-413.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Vigliaroni, M., Pancake, R. (2022). Human insecurity and mental health among young Nigerien IDPs: a qualitative exploration of the role of quality of life as a risk and protective factor. Journal of human rights and social work, 7(1), 46-58.
- Veronese, G., Montali, L., Cavazzoni, F., Mattiuzzi, D. (2022). Toward a culture-informed conceptualization of child agency in a context characterized by political and military violence. A qualitative exploration throughout experts’ voices. Child Indicators Research, 15(4), 1379-1403.
- Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., Shoman, H., Diab, M., & Veronese, G. (2022). The role of gender and living context in shaping Palestinian children’s agency and well-being. Gender, Place & Culture, 29(2), 222-247.
- Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., Veronese, G. (2022). How Do We Assess How Agentic We Are? A Literature Review of Existing Instruments to Evaluate and Measure Individuals’ Agency. Social Indicators Research, 159(3), 1125-1153, http://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-021-02791-8.
- Cavazzoni, F., Pancake, R., Veronese G. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Quality of Life. An exploratory study during the first outbreak in Italy. Psychological Report.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., Fiorini, A., Shoman, H., Sousa, C. (2022). Human (in)security and psychological well-being in Palestinian children living amidst military violence: a qualitative participatory research using interactive maps. Child Care Health and Development, 48(1), 159-169, http://doi.org/10.1111/cch.12917.
- Veronese, G., Cavazzoni, F., & Pepe, A. (2023). Trajectories of quality of life and mental health during the Covid-19 lockdown and six months after in Italy. A longitudinal exploration. Journal of Public Health, 1-11.
- Cavazzoni, F., Veronese, G., Sousa, C., Ayoub, H., & Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N. (2023). Critical consciousness from a Palestinian feminist, decolonial perspective: A collective exploratory inquiry. Feminism & Psychology.
- Veronese, G., Bdier, D., Obaid, H., Mahamid, F., Crugnola, C. R., & Cavazzoni, F. (2023). Hope and life satisfaction in Palestinian children victim of military violence: The predictive role of agency, potentially traumatic experiences and symptoms of trauma. Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106520.
- Veronese, G., Mahamid, F., Obaid, H., Bdier, D., Cavazzoni, F. (2024). Positive and negative effects of child’s agency on trauma symptoms and psychological difficulties in war-like conditions. The mediating role of hope and life satisfaction. JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH , http://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2024.2332801