
> Affective Neuroscience Lab

Mind-body technologies

Key words:

Psychophysiology – Interoception – Embodied Cognition – Virtual Reality – Electroencephalography (EEG) – Heart Rate Variability (HRV) – Skin Conductance Response (SCR) – Emotion and Cognition – Translational Psychology


Rosita Borlimi


Gianni Brighetti

Greta Riboli

Giovanni Maria Ruggiero

Mattia Nese

Research area and primary aims:

Our research has as a theoretical reference the model “Connectome” and has as its aim the study of the integration between biological systems innervated by the autonomic nervous system and communication between these and the central nervous system. The research we are carrying out and that we have already designed, is aimed at the effects of enteroception on behaviors related to eating disorders, To the treatment of phobias through exposure through virtual reality, to the use of virtual reality for the evaluation of Snarc Effect in space, to the linguistic evaluation of the characteristics of emotions in relation to autonomic activation , the analysis of the brain-gut axis and its effects on anxiety and depression, the measurement of the flexibility of sexual behavior in conditions of behavioural discomfort, the measurement of the responses of heart variability and cutaneous conductance in Report to the shift attentives recorded through eye movements of virtual visual scenes. Finally to the statistical-mathematical analysis of the validity and reliability of psychometric tests and psychological scales of behavioral evaluation.

Running projects:

TitleSfu Staff (Head)TimelineStatus and Fund
Interoception and eating disorders vulnerability.Rosita Borlimi - Giovanni M. Ruggiero - Riccardo Dalle Grave2017-Running project (SFU Milan) and Casa di cura Villa Garda Verona
Phobia and virtual reality: examining new treatment protocols for the most common types of phobia.Rosita Borlimi - Mark Van de Korput - Giovanni M. Ruggiero2017-Running project (SFU Milan)
Where are your numbers?: Numerical quantity mapping in a virtual reality setting.Mark Van de Korput2017-Running project (SFU Milan)
Experimental studies in both laboratory and field settings, using emotion induction and sampling of naturalistic emotions, as well as computer-simulation approachesGianni Brighetti - Klaus Scherer - Greta Riboli2017-Running project (SFU Milan) and Geneva Swiss
Olfaction and Taste.Rosita Borlimi2018-Planned
Gut–brain axis: how the microbiome
influences anxiety and depression
Gianni Brighetti2018-Planned SFU Milan
The SexFlex Scale: A Measure of Sexual Script Flexibility When Approaching
Sexual Problems in a Relationship
Gianni Brighetti - Greta Riboli2017-Running project (SFU Milan)
Reliability as a Necessary Condition for Validity? Standardization and the Reliability/Validity ParadoxGianni Brighetti2018-Running project (SFU Milan)
Autonomic responses (HRV, SCR) and visual Scanpath in virtual environmentRosita Borlimi - Mark Van de Korput2018-Running project (SFU Milan)
Isolation and quarantine in Italy at the time of Covid-19 Rosita Borlimi -
Gianni Brighetti -
Greta Riboli
2019-Running project (SFU Milan)

Research Cooperation Partners:

  1. Klaus Scherer – Geneva Emotion Research Group. Group leader
  2. Alessandra Chiara Mansueto – Centre for Urban Mental Health, Departments of Communication Science and Psychology, University of Amsterdam
  3. Mark Van de Korput. New media developer
  4. Caroline Pukall – Psychology Department Queen’s University Kingston. Canada
  5. Armando Cotugno – Psychiatrist Cognitive behavioral psychotherapist
  6. Christiane Eichenberg – Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversitat Wien
  7. Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), EIT Climate-Kic (Italy), Athena Research and Innovation Center (Greece), Cleantech (Bulgaria), Climate Media Factory (Germany), ENEA (Italy) and AESS (Italy)
  8. Prof.ssa Eliana Tossani Alma Mater Studiorum, Departments of Psychology, University of Bologna

Clinical Cooperation Partners:

  • Villa Garda Verona
  • Centro Clinico De Sanctis (ROMA)
  • GULLIVER Cooperativa Sociale Modena
  • Centro di Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale, Roma
  • IRCSS Maugeri, Milano – Montescano – Bari


Rosita Borlimi
phone: +39 02 83241854