Giovanni M. Ruggiero

Full Professor in Cultural Psychology and Psychotherapy alla Sigmund Freud University Vienna/Milano, Direttore della Ricerca presso SFU Milano , Direttore della scuola di Specializzazione ‘Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Ricerca’, Docente presso la scuola di specializzazione 'Studi Cognitivi', Medico specialista in Psichiatria, Psicoterapeuta cognitivo


Born in Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) on May 30, 1967. Graduated in medicine at the University of Pavia in 1992, specialized in Psychiatry at the University of Milan in 1998 and in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy in Milano in 2001. He is appointed Full Professor in Cultural Psychochology and Psychotherapy  at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna (Austria) and Milan (Italy), lectures cognitive psychotherapy at the Post-Degree Cognitive Psychotherapy School ‘Studi Cognitivi’ in Milan, and is Director of the Post-Degree Cognitive Psychotherapy School ‘Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Ricerca’ in Milan. He is a practicing private psychotherapist who graduated in medicine and surgery at the University of Pavia in 1992, specialized in psychiatry at the University of Milan in 1998 and in cognitive psychotherapy at the school of cognitive and behavioral therapy “Studi Cognitivi” of Milan in 2001.

Research interest

His research interests regard the role of case formulation in the psychotherapeutic process and the cognitive constructs of anxiety


Giovanni M. Ruggiero – Google Scholar