Riboli G., Nese, M., Brighetti, G., Caselli, G., & Borlimi, R. (2022). How Menstruation is Experienced Today. An Online Survey on Italian Female at Birth Adolescents. EC Gyneacology, 11.2

Female puberty is marked by the arrival of menarche, which experience could alter the degree of psychological and physiological symptoms. Females who are unprepared for menstruation are more prone to experience menarche discomfort, and consequently, psychophysiological distress. The present study aims to investigate and collect data about menarche experiences, menstruation attitudes, and symptoms, and the association between emotions experienced during menarche and psychophysiological well-being in a sample of Italian adolescent females at birth. The survey was composed of socio-demographical data, a menstruation questionnaire, a general health questionnaire, and a psychophysiological questionnaire. The results supported the correlation between positive emotions toward menarche and psychophysiological well-being. Moreover, a report on menstrual experiences, attitudes, and symptoms was provided. Finally, the results relating the information obtained about menarche and the emotions experienced by participants highlight the potential need for qualitatively and quantitatively equivalent means of information for all females going through puberty, with this responsibility being left to the educational institution. Future research should focus on evaluating the specific information acquired by adolescents to create subject-specific psychoeducational programs, minimizing disparities among pubertal adolescents and fostering a better menarche experience.
